1) Weighted clothing-$125- 100pl and 120hp when training, Limit 2 2) Weighted boots/wrist bands-$60- 70pl and 75hp when training, Limit 2 3) Lv. 1 Gravitron-$150- 120pl and 130hp when training 4) Energy bands-$50- 25 stamina when training, Limit 2 5) Jump rope-$20- 10 stamina when training, Limit 5 6) Treadmill-$250- 100 stamina when training 7) Sword-$150- add 45 to your attack power 8) Wooden staff-$75- add 25 to your attack power 9) Armor-$150- add half of your hp in battle 10) Dragon radar-$120- Takes 1 day off of searching 11) Senzu beans-$50- Restores all stats back to normal 12) Capsule corp-$200- Get to any planet in one week 13) Boost-$100- Takes a day off of traveling to another planet, Limit 2 14) Sabimen-$400- Stats equals 10% of yours, knows your moves, Limit 5 15) Smoke bomb-$150- is used to run away from battle, opponent gets 10% of your stats UPGRADE ITEMS (must have first items) 16) Capsule corp2-$600- to any planet in 3 days 17) Z sword-$150- adds 100 to your attack power 18) Iron staff-$100- adds 75 to your attack power 19) Super armor-$200- multiply your Hp by 3 in battle 20) Sayain armor-$300- Multiply your Hp by 4 in battle 21) Lv2 Gravitron-$260- 220pl and 260hp when training 22) Lv3 Gravitron-$390- 440pl and 520hp when training 23) Nuclear band-$80- 50 stamina when training, Limit 2 24) Atomic band-$100- 100 stamina when training, takes 10pl asay, Limit 2 25) Super jump rope-$40- 20 stamina when training, Limit 5 26) Super weighted clothing-$150- 150pl and 170hp when training, Limit 2 27) Ultra weighted clothing-$200- 180pl and 200hp when training, Limit 1 28) Super smoke bomb-$350 same as before but you gain 5% of opponents stats 29) Super treadmill-$500- 300 stamina when training, takes 20pl a day when used 30) Super weighted boots/wrist bands-$100- 140pl and 150hp when training 31) Super dragonball radar-$250- takes 2 day off looking for dragonballs ITEMS YOU CAN WISH FOR: Mini tree of might seed- Same as the tree of might but takes half the time to grow and you get half the power Tree of might seed- Wished only by earth dragonballs-takes 10 days to grow, you get 10 fruit that gives you 1000pl and 1000hp when you eat Sayain space pod- any planet in one day Lv4 Gravitron- 840pl and 1000hp when training Lv5 Gravitron- 1240pl and 1480 hp when training